Week 2

During the last few days I have finished the basic webservice layer for the surgery entity and extended the api. At the end of the week, I started to develop the scheduling UI. I came across the jquery plugin fullcalendar from Adam Shaw. Unfortunately it doesn’t offer two features that are required for this project:

There exist numerous forks of this project which all extend the functionality in some way. Unfortunately their changes are not integrated into the main project. I filtered out two attempts that seem to be “actively” developed:

I also found a project from Szabó Rudi, offering both features, but it seems that it isn’t actively developed. It is based on the fullcalendar version 1.4.5, while the current release is 1.6.4 - I wasn’t even able to get the sources, because the archive was currupted.

There is already a beta of v2 of the fullcalendar available with many improvements like timezone support, and built-in internationalization. I hope that in the nearer future the resource view as well as available times are integrated in the main project. Till then I will use the Abletech fork, because having a resource view is a lot more important. I will see how to add the available time functionality later.