Week 6 - Automatic Scheduler

This blog post is a short tutorial on how to solve the operation theater scheduling problem using the optaplanner library.

The goal is to come up with an optimal scheduling that is defined by a set of constraints. In this case the set of constraints is divided into two parts:

The difference between them, is that hard rules must not be broken, while soft rules should not be broken. Based on the rules a score is calculated and maximized by the solver.

Before I will start to describe the implementation I want to introduce a few terms that will be used later:

Code walkthrough:

Planning Entity

To define a planning entity one has to add a class annotation

public class PlannedSurgery {

To define a planning variable, just annotate the corresponding getter method

@PlanningVariable(valueRangeProviderRefs = { "locationRange" })
public Location getLocation() {
	return location;

The value range provider reference is a link to a method that returns all possible values of this planning variable

The shadow variable “end” is updated within the setter of the planning variable “start”

public void setStart(DateTime start, boolean calculateEndTime) {
	this.start = start;
	if (calculateEndTime) {
		if (start == null) {
			end = null;
		} else {
			int interventionDuration = surgery.getProcedure().getInterventionDuration();
			int otPreparationDuration = surgery.getProcedure().getOtPreparationDuration();
			DateTime endDate = start.plusMinutes(interventionDuration + otPreparationDuration);

Planning Solution

In the following code snippet you can see all attributes

public class Timetable implements Solution<HardSoftScore> {

	//problem facts  (don't change value during planning)
	private List<Surgery> surgeries;
	private List<Location> locations; // these are the operation theaters
	private List<DateTime> startTimes;

	//planning entities
	private List<PlannedSurgery> plannedSurgeries;

	private HardSoftScore score;

The Solution interface defines three functions: getter and setter of the score attribute and getProblemFacts

public Collection<?> getProblemFacts() {
	//planning entities are added automatically -> don't add them here
	List<Object> facts = new ArrayList<Object>();
	return facts;

Make sure that you don’t add the planning entity. Another common mistake is to use facts.add() instead of facts.addAll()

As we defined our planning variables in the planning entity class, we specified a value range provider reference. Now we have to tell optaplanner which function provide these objects. We do that - yes you are right - by using another annotation

@ValueRangeProvider(id = "locationRange")
public List<Location> getLocations() {
	return locations;

Defining rules

Now that we have defined all relevant classes we can start writing our business rules. We do that by using Drools rule language - The basic syntax is as follows

rule "This is the rule name"

Here is one hard constraint. If the when condition is met the hard constraint score is decreased by one.

//Operation Theater occupancy: two PlannedSurgeries in the same Location with overlapping periods
rule "overlappingSurgeriesInSameOperationTheater"
        $left: PlannedSurgery($location: location)
        $right: PlannedSurgery(this != $left, location == $location, isOverlapping($left))
        //prevent the double execution of this rule (AB, BA)
        eval( System.identityHashCode($left) < System.identityHashCode($right))
        scoreHolder.addHardConstraintMatch(kcontext, -1);

Now I want to shortly describe how this rule works. When part: On the first line PlannedSurgery is stored in the variable ($left). The dollar sign is not needed, but increases readability. The location attribute of the PlannedEntity that is stored in $left is assigned to the variable $location The second line is true for PlannedSurgeries that are not the same one as in the first line, have the same location and do overlapp (isOverlapping is a function defined in PlannedSurgery) The last line just makes sure that all pairs are only processed once (AB, BA)

Before you can execute the solver you have to configure it (e.g. define the optimization algorithm) You can find a basic configuration here.

Now we are ready to..

start the solver

public void solve() {
	// Build the Solver
	SolverFactory solverFactory = new XmlSolverFactory("/scheduler/solverConfig.xml");
	Solver solver = solverFactory.buildSolver();
	// Load problem
	Timetable unsolvedTimetable = createTimetable();

	// Solve the problem
	Timetable solvedTimetable = (Timetable) solver.getBestSolution();

	//set surgeries planned begin and finished attributes

This concluded this basic example.

Stay tuned for future blog posts that will describe how to evolve this solution. You can find the complete code for this tutorial in this commit

